Engineers Day and a Build Night

This past Saturday, Splatspace participated in two events: Engineer’s Day 2013 at the Museum of Life and Science, and the Jameco/Instructables Build Night at Fab Lab Carolinas.

At Engineer’s Day we showed off our 3D printer, ran a squishy circuits table, demonstrated a Raspberry Pi photo booth (based of the Sharebooth) and one of our members, Josh Buczynski, presented his “Poplocks”–papercraft, pose-able robots.





At the build night, members helped with a variety of kit projects, including a tumbling solar robot. We also helped set up LEDs on a soap box derby car.


To see more pictures for Engineer’s Day, you can check out the Flickr set taken by one of our members, or Engineer’s Day’s Facebook set.

For more pics of the build night, check out this Flickr set.